Tooth pain is never normal, especially if it becomes excruciating. If you’re experiencing worrisome tooth pain, it’s time to schedule an appointment with Dr. Chris Givens or Jared Britt. Your pain may be the result of infection that’s attacking the inner pulp of the tooth or the tooth’s roots beneath the gum line, where it has access to the jaw bone and adjacent teeth.
When this happens, or the tooth begins to decay, the rest of your teeth and the state of your oral health are put at risk. During your appointment, we will be able to determine the source of your pain and discuss treatment options. Sometimes, the only treatment that can save your tooth from extraction is a root canal. Modern root canal therapy is a safe and effective routine procedure, similar to a filling, which can restore health and strength to your smile.
Root canal therapy may be recommended for teeth that have experienced disease or trauma that led to an infection of the dental pulp. The pain associated with these conditions will not resolve on its own without medical care, so in many cases root canal therapy is the only way to save your natural teeth. If you experience any of the following conditions, discuss your concerns with us right away to determine whether root canal therapy is the right treatment for you:
When performed by experienced professionals like Drs. Givens and Britt, root canal therapy offers the following benefits:
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