When you choose to invest in dental implants, you are investing in more than just a healthy, beautiful smile. You are investing in a transformation that can change your entire life. When your smile looks beautiful and functions properly you can confidently, naturally interact with the world around you without fear of embarrassment.
While overall dental implant cost varies widely per patient, we have options to replace a single missing tooth, multiple teeth or an entire arch. We also commonly see patients looking to transition from temporary dentures to permanent dental implants.
If you are considering dental implants as part of your treatment plan, it’s typically recommended to replace the missing tooth or teeth as early as possible. By placing the implant as soon as tooth loss occurs, you can alleviate further complications, such as bone loss or shifting teeth, which may add to your treatment plan.
To keep costs at a minimum, schedule a consultation with Dr. Givens with us as quickly as possible to discuss your tooth replacement options. After an evaluation, whe can determine an appropriate treatment plan and talk to you about your dental implant cost, which may be influenced by:
To ensure your investment is long-lasting for a lifetime of healthy, beautiful smiles, Dr. Givens devotes his time to around 50 hours of CE courses per year in addition to providing treatment with the most modern dental technology.
Drs. Givens and Britt uses guided implant surgery for precision and accuracy when placing your dental implants and offers CEREC® same-day dental crowns for implant restoration as needed to keep them looking and feeling great.in one appointment.
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New Patients: (615) 813-6119
Current Patients: (615) 672-9309
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