
Porcelain Veneers - White House, TN

Cosmetic Dentistry’s
Solution for a Beautiful,
Confident Smile

One Of The Things I Needed Was To Connect, My Smile Never Let Me

Dr. Nikki Green

Talks about full mouth rehabilitation - Getting the smile you have always wanted.
patient holding up veneer to their teeth

Achieve Your Dream Smile with One Minor Treatment

Porcelain veneers are thin, high quality pieces of porcelain that conceal cosmetic dental concerns without the need for an invasive procedure. Instead, the veneer is attached to the front, outer-facing portion of your tooth, leaving the rest of your tooth untouched and entirely intact.

Unlike other cosmetic dentistry solutions, the minimal or no-prep DURAthin® and Micro-thin® veneers Drs. Givens and Britt offer at our office do not cause long-term damage to the tooth, making them a highly desirable solution for many smile makeovers. Instead, they can be removed at any time while leaving the tooth beneath the same as it was before the veneer was placed.

dental veneers

Mask Imperfections for a Flawless Smile with Porcelain Veneers

Even the most minor imperfection that goes unnoticed to others can become a significant source of self-doubt. Whether you find yourself hiding from the camera or holding back a smile or laugh with friends or family, it’s time to look to cosmetic dentistry.

Dr. Chris Givens has over 30 years of experience perfecting smiles for countless of happy, smiling patients, and with porcelain veneers he can help you mask the cosmetic imperfections that keep you from living life to its fullest. Porcelain veneers are an ideal solution for the following:

Before After
Before After
veneer options dr givens

Porcelain Veneers Blend Seamlessly Into Your Smile

Before the porcelain veneer is placed, our doctor evaluates your smile makeover needs to determine how the veneer should be customized to match your smile for the most natural, seamless blend possible.

The result is a virtually undetectable smile enhancement that matches the shape, size and color of your teeth with substantial cosmetic improvement and multiple benefits, including:

Complete this short smile Evaluation and receive the following:

If you're a good candidate for veneers

A Digital Smile Design to show you what you will look like with your new veneers!

Pricing and options for treatment

And best of all... a time to speak directly with Dr. Givens. Top Cosmetic Dentists in White House, TN!

Enhance The Appearance Of Your Smile With Porcelain Veneers!

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I understand the information disclosed in this form may be subject to re-disclosure and may no longer be protected by HIPAA privacy regulations and the HITECH Act.